Available with a colored border in three sizes starting at 5 in. x 7 in.
Made of weather resistant .045 gauge aluminum.
Signs may be mounted with double-sided adhesive strip, or use the corner screw holes.
The Catahoula Leopard Dog is a strong, independent canine who requires firm leadership. The breed’s activity level varies from individual to individual, but it’s wise to assume that he’s going to demand a great deal of exercise. Always walk him on a leash, so he doesn’t practice his aggressive driving skills on other animals. If you want a dog who will work hard and hunt hard, the Catahoula Leopard Dog is the breed for you. If you prefer a dog who’s strictly a family companion, well, he can do that, too. He’s also an excellent watchdog—if he doesn’t like someone, value his opinion.
Credit to Chris Buck for Pen and Ink vector artwork (chrisbuckart@yahoo.com)
Designed by LUXDesigns.us
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